Fallout4 character creation 「Myina2」
Fallout4 キャラメイク Myina2◎キャラメイク動画-「Myina2」
◆How to Data
- save data ; Vault Girl -Myina
- Ponytail Variations
- Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE
- Oni face and full CBBE nude re-texture
- >>http://fao4teengirl.blogspot.jp/2016/02/fallout4-oni-face-and-full-cbbe-nude-re.html?view=classic
- -----------------------------------
- BodySlide and Outfit Studio by Ousnius and Caliente
- CBBE with breast physics by Epitaph
◆CBBE with breast physics
Installation process:
1: Download with NMM (or whatever)
2: Install it through NMM (or whatever)
3: Enter Bodyslide
4: Choose CBBEBP Body in Outfit/Body
5: Choose your preferred body.
6: Hit "Build".
7: IF YOU ARE USING THE "UNIQUE PLAYER" MOD -> Go to Data\meshes\actors\character\characterassets.
8: Copy FemaleBody.nif
9: Go to Data\meshes\actors\character\PlayerCharacterAssets
10: Replace the old FemaleBody.nif with the new one that you copied.
◆CBBE with breast physics by Epitaph の使い方
2)左上 Outfit/Bodyから "CBBE BP Body" を選択。Presetはお好みで変更して下さい。
3)下部の Buildボタン で完了
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